Haurizon News, the place for your announcements !

Advertise your business with us and get more sales.

Haurizon News, the place for your announcements !

1) Advertise your schools, Institutes, clinics, hospitals, universities,

2) advertise your products with us 

We can make your business boom in no time. Your business is slow because people don't know about it. Give us the chance to expose you to more than 10.000 cameroonians in a day

Sacrifice small money and see the magic.

We have more than 10 WhatsApp groups/blog where we share information. It is connected to Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook page with more that 5000 members such that any post on it is automatically redirected to these mentioned social media handles. Every business ad is shared on our Facebook page and WhatsApp groups everyday till the duration of the ad is exhausted. Here are the fees :

  1. 3 days= 6000
  2. 5 days= 8500
  3. 1 week= 10000
  4. 2 weeks=18000
  5. 1 month= 30000
  6. 2 months=50000

  If you'll like us to create your content for the advert, it will cost 1500 extra.

Contact us through WhatsApp number : http://wa.me/+237698530479

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