Cameroon's National Assembly : Activities of the Network of Parliamentarians for the diaspora, Decentralised and Cross-border Cooperation (REP-COD)
The meeting took place between the REP-COD and the office of the Communes et Villes Unies du Cameroun (CVUC) led by its National President, Mayor Augustin TAMBA.
To lay the foundations for a solid and harmonious collaboration in the framework of decentralised and cross-border cooperation. Also in the strategy of involvement of our diaspora in the development of our municipalities. A working session of nearly 3 hours, dense and rich with a complete convergence of points of view.
Parliamentarians and mayors hand in hand to support decentralised and cross-border cooperation for the development of our local authorities
It is in this context that a working session was held yesterday afternoon at the headquarters of the Network of Parliamentarians for the Diaspora, Decentralized and Cross-Border Cooperation (REP-COD) between members of the Rep-Cod office led by its president, Hon. Louis Henri Ngantcha, MP, and members of the office of the Communes and Cities United of Cameroon (CVUC) led by its president, Mayor Augustin Tamba.
This meeting can only be beneficial for our CTDs. For it is good that parliamentarians and mayors speak the same language. They should work in synergy in all sectors. They are all elected representatives and therefore concerned about the well-being of their populations and electors. This kind of initiative is to be encouraged.
Moreover, the two presidents immediately created a technical committee to work on the roadmap of their collaboration and designated the focal points who, as of Tuesday 20 September, are at work this time at the headquarters of the CVUC. Congratulations to these two leaders and their teams who have understood that it is in the mutualisation of energies, in the complementarity, in the humility and the search for the general interest that we win bets.
It must be stressed that the creation of this network by the Right Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly, the constant support of the Speakers of the two Houses of Parliament, the support of the Head of State who made the premises available to welcome the Diaspora and the support of the government, from an observer's point of view, we think that this work is important and should be encouraged. Like all existing parliamentary networks.
The effective accompaniment of the government and public administration by the parliament can be something great for our young nations. Especially since politics has created many divisions and untenable disputes that make the government and its actions invisible.